Of making "pudding," shiny old nails and remembrance of a fine man
Launching "Olympus," a 92' 1929 New York Yacht, Launch and Engine Co., after refastening the bow, removing bad butts, and other...
Modern Classics and Remembering Mr. Baker by his Boats
November 2018 Dear Friends, Today is the day it really starts! Today is launch day for our press release on our new boat, the M30. I am...
The High School Reunion and Dreamboats
September 2018 Dear friends, Recently Margaret and I were up in Green Bay, WI for her 45th high school reunion. Personally I have never...
Yachting Youth and Google Can Be Wrong
Dear Friends, It’s summertime, so warm and beautiful, shorts and T-shirt weather. Margaret and I recently returned from attending the...
On Friendship
Dear Friends, Recently I was down in Florida for a visit and do some business. My friend, Ted Conklin, has planned a trip to take his...
Party on at the Beaufort, NC Boat Show
Change of plans. Jim was planning an opening night party at his house for the 44th Annual Wooden Boat Show but then he wouldn't be able...
We keep legends alive, big and small
Dear friends, For decades, the front of our t-shirts have been emblazoned with the company motto “We keep legends alive.” It’s not some...
"Jenny Clark" Makes A Splash and Tales From Wisconsin
Dear Friends, It seems that 2018 is moving at quite a clip, I blinked and now it’s March. On Wednesday, February 28th, we officially...